People hear some of my songs and ask if I believe in a "God".
In some of my lyrics it's obvious that there's a certain chance I don't.
The truth is that I don't.
I believe in the possibility that there could be something out there,
but as far as this allmighty great God that protects you, loves you, listens to everything you have to say, answers prayers...
well, no, I definitely don't believe in that one.
Now trust me,
I'm quite scared announcing this, simply because I know for a fact that people are going to immediately judge me, say I'm some "damn devil worshiper", and possibly never even listen to my music again...
Well, to any of you who are on that boat, let me just say...
sorry, but I'm not some crazy "devil worshiper" (on that matter, I don't believe in some "horned satan" either)...
and I'm not some terrible person, and I'm definitely not and never will try to push my 'beliefs' onto anyone.
The absolute truth is that I believe in life and the beauty of each of us individuals.
I think we're amazing creatures with so much possibility.
I think the answer to life is not in the sky, but instead in ourselves.
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