We fear our own protectors(police) as they can misuse the law.
We think law enforcement will encourage the revenge attacks.
We think some laws can be used against some minorities (read minorities = muslim).
We fear politicians will reach a new level of law-misuse if laws get more power.
We, most Indians don’t like our own country. (<— I know this is a WRONG claim but wait, I have some explanation.)
We have lost and do not believe anything related to patriotism or something like that.
We say , ” Why should I bother” for any social issue which is not harming us.
And now I ask the same question again, “Are we ready? Really?”
Is that all? no, we have many good thoughts too.
I know this sounds pessimistic and negative but please note that I am NOT a pessimist nor I am negative. Its just summary of what I have been experiencing. I don’t deny that there are many people who do not fall in the category listed above. We have much population who thinks we are a powerful country which needs some tweaking. But still India has most of population in Rural areas.
Poor people and farmers feel feeding their family is more important than caring about so called ’social problems’. Middle-class think that they are better in current conditions. I don’t know about Higher class people.
Some people don’t like this country:
About my little off-head statement above, I owe some explanation. I said some people do not like our own country. Yes, that's the fact. There are MANY who really think that being born in India is their life’s biggest problem. They detest this country, they detest everything in here. Who are they? As I have met some, most of these haters are High-educated people. Some MBA, Engineers, IITians , Doctors, and more. They think their so called talent is being wasted here. They may not be the case with all of 'them', but is with a lot 'us'.
How we are supposed to be making progress of any kind if our Talented Brains are leaving us? Common people look at educated youngsters with pride. And this generation, our generation is not aware of it, may be just a sect of us is...
Back to the point again!
Do you remember the dialog in Movie “Swades” where ShahRukh Khan says, “….everyone in this country is talking about how our country is going down and not progressing, everyone says that Nothing can be done, no one can help this country………”
Well, I really agree with the dialog. This is what we are doing. We are morally discouraging our own country. We need to do some brainwash and cleaning of Indian minds before we start acting against terrorism. And unless and until we start believing that we CAN always DO something for India, we are not ready for anything!!!
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