If you are serious about your goals, drop the conditions. Go directly to your goal. Be your goal! Conditions often disguise strategies for escaping accountability. Why not just take charge and create the experience you are looking for?
Eric Allenbaugh presented his thoughts really well that a reader, me for instance, could not just dare to move away from what he is reading. It even will cause you to pause for a moment and reflect how sensible and truthful it is. Well, this idea does not just apply to entrepreneurs but also to people from different walks of life. Have you ever thought of its relativeness to the cliche "If there’s a will, there’s a way!"? Precisely guys, if we have our goals - we have our will to that and so we must drop the conditions and find the way to achieve it. That made sense, right?
Have you ever wondered why athletes like Michael Phelps, Michael Jordan, Laance Armstrong, Michael Schumacher or even David Beckham are able to get what they want? With me, after doing research from journals and resources, I will share with you here.
1. Firstly, in order to be a master at your personal life, you need to know what you want. If you can't imagine or see it now, just ask yourself what would you want to see yourself as or what you want others to speak of you? Simpler, how would you want to feel..:)
Once you have that image, or words, whatever comes to mind, write in down on the piece of paper. (Largely)
Also, write at least three reasons why you want to achieve those goals.
2. Once you have done that, as you are listening and watching your favorite show, the next thing to do is to plan how are you going to reach your goal. What are the specific steps you need to take.
E.g. Cutting down $5.00 for your daily expenses. If you want to have a good relationship with your loved ones, spend 20 minutes communicating with them.
3. Step3Once you have done that, write down why you choose those steps. Give reasons as this will allow you to be aware of other alternatives route as well and widened your view.
4. Then, you will need to write down the resources you need to achive the goals. And by resorces, I mean things like energy, money, friends, opinions, books, magazines...the lists goes on. It can be anything that comes to mind now.
Write it down, and it would be best to have a love one next to you or someone whom you trust as you are doing this as this will create an excellent enviroment and of course they know your goal.
5. Lastly, evaluate whether with all those written down, are you able to achieve your goal? Yes/No.
If Yes, do a simple exercise. Take a deep breath and let it out, do this for 3 times. As you do so, close your eyes and vision as clearly as you can with all the sounds, feelings and emotions attached to it. Go into the future and wonder how this goal will help you, 6 months down the road...
If no, ask yourself why and re correct your goals. This could be due to you feeling torn apart at heart...
6. Once you ahve done that, promise to commit to yout steps to goal. Stay commited and focus on what you want, not what you don't want.
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