Friday, July 31, 2009

Laboratory failures and constitution

It was a famous joke in coaching days, hilariously told by chemistry teachers over the physics ones that whatever difficulty one may come across in the problems in physics – gravity, viscosity, air resistance…it is presumed negligible. Same is the algorithm of experimental analysis in almost all the sciences, an integral part of which is taking presumptions. It is only after these constraints that the ‘universe’ of analysis becomes a finite domain and hence solvable.

I bet, Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar (further referred to as DBRA) was of the same analytic mind. The assumptions in the constitution are bare and far too many. For example, the concept of no absolute power – the axis of decision making bodies revolves in multiple sects – parliament, bureaucracy and the president. Perhaps, DBRA assumed that no Indian will ever be able to develop an acute sense of morality and justice, so it would be better to keep a check and tab on everyone. Despite this decision making India a democracy in absolute sense, has kept us from many privileges.

A direct presumption of this assumption (read morality & justice) is that it will always be imperative to take decisions on a ‘public’ consensus, the fact that delays might cause quandaries remaining immaterial. Even the constitutional head of the country – the president is helpless when a bill comes to him for being passed the third time. He can only refer it back twice suggesting changes in it and seeking alterations.

But then technology which is the applied form of experimental outcomes is independent of assumptions. It is only when the experiments invade the domain of assumed laws and conditions, that machines and hence their real sense of work comes into being.

For every such change in the system, one again has to presume that the system supports change (it better do, because change is the only perpetual truth) in order to succeed on itself and evolve. It is time, that the guardians of constitution start experimenting – outside the domain of their assumptions.

Late Night AUTOcracy...

For once in my life, owls were not hooting through this late night stroll. Perhaps, they were busy keeping their nests and kids dry from the torturous downpour, or does Delhi have no owls at all???

The roads were clogged with water and people, scarce as I walked out of the PVR. 10:30 PM, I confirmed from my watch and had just opened my mouth for swearing when the torrent started slowing down, the drops slowly getting lost into oblivion. It was for the lovely company of friends I had and the debatable issue of a bad ending to HP 6 that I decided not to wait for an Autowallah and move on till we get one. Private transport was bustling still, obviously irritated by the jams and delays caused by the rains (Thank you MCD).

Saket itself was a long walk…at places we did get company from other people – beautiful girls accompanied by machos!!! (I just wish, all of them were their brothers) Though, we were not really tired, we decided to give yet another chance to public transport to fetch us to Munirka (the more accurate reason – we stopped ’coz the chicks stopped too). But hey, this stop had not the sparkling chicks only, an auto all covered in the glory of yellow, green and black was standing there too…
Unfortunately, we were not the first ones to get to the vehicle…A small crowd was already mobbing it. Apparently, the driver was sleeping after a hard day’s work; he woke up startled to find people all over him, poking fingers here and there. To the irritation of all of us (and perhaps more to himself) he denied every potential customer a ride in his royal auto including the ones who were offering two-fold money and more.

After a 10 minute wait, another of the autos passed us flashing its tongue at us mockingly. Had I not sensed the rising tempers in people surrounding us, I would have definitely laughed at our helplessness. Two more similar vehicles flashed through mercilessly ignoring the pleading cries of the crowd. One was actually empty but perhaps in search of a higher goal than a customer. Annoyed, we walked on (the chicks decided to stay and not follow us)!

Even the slightest screech from behind our backs made us crane our necks to right-back side in anticipation of a vacant auto. The back sides of the autos have a window sort of opening through which light steers its way through. Every time the radiance passed through, our hopes amplified; but as they came nearer we found someone sitting on the sides…damn!!! By the time, we crossed Saket I was all set to say yes to even a shared auto, although there were already three of us.

Fortunately, there was no mud (again, thanks to MCD) on the roads and it was a simple maze finding ones way through the water puddles and potholes. As the three of us followed another three guys in front of us we reached a CNG station near the NCERT office turn. There were 3 autos, none with a passenger but neither did they have their drivers. Out of the blue, one of the guys in front of us jolted forward and soon his friends and (we too) realized that there was an auto with its driver intact. They struck a deal but on the condition that they will have to push the auto for the water had clogged its exhaust pipe. As we walked, the guys started pushing the auto…1,2, started and to everyone’s astonishment and to those guys astonishment the driver stepped on the gas and sped away leaving all 3 of the guys swearing and us, in fits!!!

Meanwhile, the autos continued passing us and without us. Yet another joker that we came across was so busy preparing and then chewing his khaini that he did not even bother to look at us. Finally a couple of steps before the gate no. 5 of IITD an autowallah took mercy on our wails and stopped.

Just like Amrish Puri used to make the most of the opportunity when the majboor maa/beti/patni/bahan came to him, the autowallah charged 35 Rs. for the journey that was worth less than 20. But finally we reached Munirka by 12:00 PM.

Next day’s newspaper had all the mud from delhi streets smeared on MCD only to the mayor countering that he was a hero and MCD had saved the day (night actually) and had it not been for his ‘able’ governance the situation could have been worse. Turn page 6, Mayawati had declared regions of UP ‘sukha-grast’.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Hail Procrastination

It is said that things happen by doing and not by dreaming. I am sure whosoever said that was not a man. A man knows the importance of dreams. How careful planning can help him avoid work, is an art which only men have perfected . Since due to unexplainable reasons woman failed to develop this ability due to which whenever they have an urge to clean their room ;they have to clean it.

Men on the other hand use their ability to plan and decide when the room will be cleaned and when the decided time arrives they have no urge of cleaning the room thereby proving that procrastination isn't a problem but it is actually the solution.

This attitude of men has played a very important role in development of civilization. Just think of the wars which were never fought because men were too lazy to wear their uniforms. And, the various accidents which were avoided because men decided to watch WWE instead of buying groceries (though it's equally intriguing whether their wives were good drivers or not).

However, there may be some people (specially wives)who always ask men to act. They believe in a saying that Practice makes man perfect. I'll counter them by quoting that "Nobody is perfect". So why practice?

Friday, July 10, 2009


Walking into the sunlight filled field
With the weeping willow slowly dancing in the warm breeze,
The lake smooth on the surface even though
Underneath life flourishes,
Off in the distance there is a deer running back into the woods.
Always dreaming of the simplicity of that life,

Sitting in this picture perfect landscape thinking to myself.
Why must we make life so difficult?
Every once in awhile you need to stop and enjoy the scenery,
Because life isn’t about how much power you have
Or how many friends you have,
Life is about trying to find what makes you happy
And not getting caught up in the everyday nonsense.
This field put everything into perspective,
If you rush through life and never stop to look around
Have you ever really lived?

Sunday, July 5, 2009


I’m not who I was.
I don’t know who I am.
Part of me I lost.
The other part doesn’t give a damn.

Things aren’t the same,
And they never will.
The parts that are gone.
I now must try to fill.

Through the years things were dropped.
Over here and over there.
I don’t even recognize myself
When in the mirror I stare.

Who is this person?
This man I’ve become.
Why is my outlook,
looking so glum?

What do I have to do
To become myself again?
Do I have to drop more pieces
Before finding myself begins?

I’m tired of feeling lost.
It’s taken quite a toll.
The pieces I will pick up.
Pieced together I will become whole.

From the eternal

Creative light

Guide me through

All that I

Never knew

All I need is

To feel through you

Prism rays like treasured streams

Clarify my healing dreams

From the seed of consciousness

Comes our souls

And light of our awareness

Tap this well

Of life's spirit

brings knowledge

only the ancients knew...