Saturday, October 6, 2007


I stand out of queue,
All alone
Absolutely no clue.

Dare I turn around?
Is anyone there?
Can I fall back,
Or shall I kiss the ground?

Am I being heard,
Or have I lost my voice?

Is the weather like this,
Or am I getting numb?
Chilling whips of air, they tell me
You are dumb!!!

They were all mirages,
I mistook them for images
Painted they were, like
colors on the wall.
Err, I erred them for
Rainbow standing in all.

It has been raining for this while
All my dreams were dry.
All along I have been missing you.
Staring in the infinite darkness...
I fear,
Will you always make me cry?


  1. Hey Aayaam.. i liked this one.. simple yet thought provoking.. good work.. :)

  2. Really liked it...i liked the choice of words...quite beautiful :)
