Saturday, September 15, 2007

1. Ramayana accurately traces the path of Rama from Ayodhya to Sri Lanka. It mentions about the places where he stopped on the way and all of them exist even today. Its impossible for someone to make up these places at a time when maps didnt exist.

2. Imagine this, for hundreds for years Hindus have been hearing about Rama building a Setu on the sea when none apparently existed. Suddenly satellite imagery discovers it exists exactly at the same place and position it was believed to exist. Is it a mere co-incidence? What are the chances of this happening?

3. Ramayana mentions about the Vanaras who have a face of an ape and are bipedal (walk on two feet). For many years the remains of what scientists call "Pre-historic man" have been found. Doesnt anyone see the similarities between the pre-historic man and vanaras?

4. If the archealogists are looking for clothes, pots etc used by Rama or something written by him, that won't happen. Rama existed in the Treta yuga which was millions of years ago.

5. There is no proof for the existence of Mohammed and Jesus.

6. There is no proof for Abraham having existed let alone built the black stone called KAABA. There is no proof that there is angel jibreel who came and stealthily uttered koran in mohamad's ears. There is no weird animal called BURAQ with a face of a woman, body of a donkey, tail of a peacock and wings of a bird on which Mohamad supposedly flew to heaven.

It is much more probable that a army can build a bridge than to believe that a man called Jesus walked on water. There is no proof nor its believable that a man named Jesus resurrected. There is no proof that Mohd split the Moon. But no one is talking about these things or filing affidavits in court challenging them. Why just pick on Hindus? because they are tolerant? Imagine someone challenging any of these in Saudi Arabia or any muslim majority country. Even if any of these ridiculous things are challenged say in Europe or USA, the Muslims all over the world will go on rampage destroying millions of dollars of property like they did during the recent cartoons.

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